Thursday, April 19, 2007

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my first Blog....

ISMS is a passion for me, and I'd like to have a spot to keep people informed as to what is going on with the ISMS standards that are in place and under development. I also plan on using this to post my thoughts and observations regarding these standards.

Several years ago, I utilized ISO 27001 and ISO 17799 at my past employer to develop and implement, and certify an Information Security program. Since then, I've dedicated part of my time to working on standards development.

Right now, that means being involved with the process as the U.S. International Representative to ISO JTC1/SC27 for ANSI/INCITS CS/1, which is the TAG in the U.S. that does this work.

But for now, time is short between airplanes and I'll have to pick that up on my next post.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What does TAG stand for?